понедельник, 31 марта 2014 г.

2014-03-30. Moscow, Night tram parade.

12 April 2014 tram parade will be held in Moscow, in honor of the 115th anniversary of tram service. A convoy of tramcars will drive along the route A. March 30 at night held a rehearsal of the parade. I learned about it by accident: my friend noticed museum cars on the street and called me on the phone. I attached a tripod backpack, and went to a night on the bike. In 2009 was the same night parade, I was filming a video. Москва. Ночная репетиция трамвайного парада посвящённого 115-летию Московского трамвая. Основной парад состоится 12 апреля 2014, по маршруту А. Фото 29-30.03.2014.
Moscow tram F+N Moscow tram F+N 1. Paveletskaya square. F+N model. The column of cars lined up 10's, 20's, 30's, 50's, 60's, 70-ies, as well as cars which were to be the main in the 80-ies and 90-ies, but they did not.
Moscow tram MTV-82 2. MTV-82 model.Moscow museum tram Tatra T3SU
EXIF 15 sec, f/13, 14 mm, ISO 200, 2014:03:29 23:41:05,
3. Tatra T3SU

Moscow museum tram F+N
EXIF 20 sec, f/8, 14 mm, ISO 200, 2014:03:29 23:57:17,
4. Yauzskiye vorota, and Kotelnicheskaya Embankment Building (1952).

Moscow museum tram Bf
EXIF 25 sec, f/18, 14 mm, ISO 200, 2014:03:30 00:19:26,
5. Chistye Prudy.

Moscow museum tram KM
EXIF 15 sec, f/18, 14 mm, ISO 200, 2014:03:30 00:22:25,
6. KM model.

Moscow museum tram Bf
EXIF 8 sec, f/18, 14 mm, ISO 200, 2014:03:30 00:24:13,
7. BF model.
Moscow museum tram MTV-82
EXIF 1/30 sec, f/3.2, 14 mm, ISO 1600, 2014:03:30 00:34:06,
8. Move backward through boolevar line.

Moscow museum tram Tatra T2SU
EXIF 1/30 sec, f/3.5, 14 mm, ISO 1600, 2014:03:30 00:34:51,
9. Pokrovskie Vorota. Tatra T2SU model and new tram platform, witch was made in 2013.

Moscow museum tram Tatra T7B5SU
EXIF 1/125 sec, f/2.8, 14 mm, ISO 1600, 2014:03:30 00:36:04,
10. In parade we will have two Tatra T7B5SU cars.

EXIF 1/20 sec, f/3.5, 14 mm, ISO 1600, 2014:03:30 00:41:50,
11. Boolevard line. Cars driving slowly, due to descent and crossroads.

EXIF 1/6 sec, f/2.8, 14 mm, ISO 1600, 2014:03:30 01:05:47,
12. Tulskaya square.

EXIF 1/125 sec, f/2.8, 14 mm, ISO 12800, 2014:03:30 02:01:57,
13. After shots i made a dinner in McDonald's, went home, and accidentally saw the KM at the cruve of Novospasskiy brige.

среда, 26 марта 2014 г.

Communal House of the Textile Institute 2014

collage 2014 В Москве существует известный "дом-коммуна на улице Орджоникидзе" постройки 1930 года. Это студенческое общежитие - памятник архитектуры. Последние лет 10 там был капитальный ремонт с частичной разборкой. В 2013 году заселили жилой корпус. После ремонта корпус выглядит красиво, но оригинальные элементы оказались утрачены. К жилому корпусу примыкают два бытовых корпуса, большой ремонт там начался только сейчас.
Узнал я о нём из ЖЖ Николая Васильева.

Фото 25.03.2014.
Communal House of the Textile Institute (also known simply as Nikolaev's House) is a constructivist architecture landmark located in the Ordzonikidze street of Moscow. You can read the detailed historical description in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communal_House_of_the_Textile_Institute The complex consists from 3 buildings: living and two technical. Living building in use since 2013, and in march of 2014 reconstruction of others two building started.
Посмотреть более крупную карту Актуальная карта участка из Openstreetmap collage 2014 _20140325_006 _20140325_008_ShiftN _20140325_009 _20140325_010 _20140325_011 _20140325_012 _20140325_013_ShiftN _20140325_014 _20140325_015 _20140325_016 _20140325_017 _20140325_018 _20140325_019 _20140325_030 a6b360920c3f48c388e7d5f9f9cd01b5 _20140325_033
Фотографии этого же комплекса с осени 2013: http://dr-kitaetsc.livejournal.com/266714.html

вторник, 25 марта 2014 г.

Socialist realism is come back to Moscow!

Нео-соцреализм! Соцреализм и чучхейская живопись возвращаются в Москву! Socialist realism is come back! Real Estate advertising in Moscow. neo-socrealism 2014 Moscow - real estate advertising Волгоградский проспект, реклама "Первый Московский город-парк". New housing district at New Moscow. neo-socrealism 2014 Moscow - real estate advertising

пятница, 21 марта 2014 г.

Satellite photo of Sevastopol at 1967

An USA's spy satellite photo from april of 1967. Sevastopol. Sevastopol 1967-04 war fleet Download unresized jpg, 6 Mb: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3701/13293921125_36477078e4_o_d.jpg
There many navy ships and submarines stand in center of big city. This is shot from Corona program, image was downloaded from U. S. Geological Survey and cropped. The resolution in very high, like at modern Google Maps.

View Larger Map

Американский шпионский космоснимок Севастополя от апреля 1967 года. Космический аппарат серии Corona. Плёночный снимок. Видно, как много военных кораблей и подводных лодок стоит в центре большого города.